(1) Lessons 7–12
(A)〇×チェック: These are true-or-false questions for checking your understanding of the reading as a whole.
(B)読みのストラテジー 練習: These exercises are for practicing the lesson’s 読みのストラテジー.
(C)内容質問: These exercises challenge you to examine the reading in greater detail through questions on sentence structure, how sentences are connected, and the gist of each section.
(A)基本練習: These are basic exercises that require output.
(B)まとめの練習: These cover all items in the lesson, and come in three types: fill-in-the-blank (adding a suitable pattern or expression), sentence formation, and composition using the target patterns and expressions.
(2) Brush-ups
■上級へのチャレンジ ワーク:These problems check your understanding of 上級へのチャレンジ.
■漢字チャレンジ ワーク:This is a set of exercises for 漢字チャレンジ.